Featured Designer: Dmysticmagic76 Destiny Well, my first entry of this blog, I would like to feature one of the 3 SisterHood Designs; Dmysticmagic76's sexy outfits. Each and every design she does, she named them after the people who matters to her most, which has a sweet meaning to it. Click on Mainstore to check out their designs. Among her design, the first i would like to feature is Pandora ; one of her most successful works and high sales, mind you the outfit has not been edited in anyway, it is that simply flawless. The only thing i edited was adding a background, color and light adjustments, what you see in this picture, is how the outfit looks like. Complete with a choker, a jacket, silver bikini top, pants and the black boomers, this outfit is a steal going at 150L for the entire set. By the way, these pictures are taken in Bronx, which is one of Rem Region; a four sim joined CCS Combat Role Playing (RP) that features the urban sims...
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