It has been a while since I have last posted the entry for Crimson Republic Clan. I may have missed out many, my apologies. As per my last posting, there was a personal heart matter that I had to deal with. My friend has finally laid to rest on May 4th this year and to go through the ordeal took me some time of recovery. Crimson Republic Auction First up, we have the interesting Auction event in which eligible bachelor and bachelorettes are up on the board for a dating auction event. Most importantly, heartfelt thanks goes to the bidders who are also one of the main contributors in raising funds to help maintain the clan land. If you like to visit and bid our smexy people, please click here to grab your private jet to the land. The Auction will end on 22nd May 2016. Crimson Auction Board This month, well long overdo weeks. I will be featuring two of Crimson Republic family, a small little pet project to share stories of other members as we are a huge family; of cou...
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