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Showing posts from December, 2015

Summer Breeze

It has been a long time, since I have last updated my blog. A lot of changes has happened. I guess, it was just another case of running out of ideas. When I came back to Second Life, I was surprise to see the level of avatar advancement and the best part - being a noob again. I enjoyed the reading, the tutorials on Mesh Avatars. It took me a while for me to be converted into a full mesh, the hardwork I have put on in creating my avatar shapes and so forth. Nevertheless, I welcome the excitement of change. First off, a special credit of this picture goes to Yaboos, whom I have met in the East sim. She truly gave me the inspiration on SL photography without a full reliance on photoshop. Below here are the latest picture that I have taken without it.  You can check out her works at: Blog  Flickr There is more to learn and I am still trying to balance between these 2 ideas ...