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Showing posts from November, 2011

Vintage Fair Craze Part One

The madness, the crowd; It took me 4 days, yes 4 days! to manage to walk around properly and get something from the vintage fair. My god, the sim recorded at least 67 to 68 people there and it was so laggy and the crashes, it is unbearable. But... it was all worth it. I managed to shop there after 4 days and i will post the others too soon, I think I walked the entire 2 sim - retro and classical and I still want to go back there again. still trying to learn photoshop And so I decided to try up this cute look instead, i love the hair and the ribbon is awesome, you can chance it into 3 colors with 3 different colors of polka dots. (white, red and black polka or solid colors) Here are what I am wearing at the moment; (all from Vintage Fair 2011) Hair: Sugarsmack !  : Bonne - Bombshell Blondes Ring and Earrings set : undefined lilies - yard sale stroll ringset (floral04) Necklace : :::LiNe::: DarkyLove Necklace *Blue Dress: Izzie's - Lila Dress blue cl...

Comfy and sweet White

I finally managed to figure out how to snap proper pictures in second life. I know... call me a noob about it. Also, I may need to redo some of the photographs on my earlier postings too; we will see during the weekend - I can't wait! Today's post will feature one of Sister Hood's designer; LycanLady Magic. The Comfy and sweet white outfit comes in 5 colors and in a full set of jumper, jeans and shoes. I personally love the jeans, you will see why as you go down this posting later. You can directly visit her marketplace at the tab above my blog; If you are unable to find this outfit, please contact her directly inworld. For your information; her items are a delight and well reasonably priced. The prim collar part does not come with a resizer, therefore you need to adjust your shoulder broadness in order to fit or contact LycanLady Magic personally if you need help; she is really sweet; though it also depends on your AO too; so far it works fine on Vista. I am...

Vintage Fair

Ugh.. the sim is full and when you are in, its so hard to move.... but its worth it! Vintage Fair (from Nov 11th to Dec 3rd) will showcase 200+ brands each exploring inspiration from the vintage eras of 1920 – 1980. With new and exclusive items from every brand involved and music every day. More information on A CHIC Management SL event sponsored by Ivalde, oOo Studio, Alienbear’s, Ingenue, GiZZa Creations, Artilleri, PurpleMoon Creations and Indyra Originals. It will be held over two sims, built by Aya Liotta of ABODE. This event is NOT FOR CHARITY. A pure profit event created to showcase the excellent products available in the vintage community and to encourage designers to attempt a vintage inspired product. For more info;

( R E D ) M I N T ~ ( F A S H I O N ) 50% SALE!!

13 Days  up to 50%  off, all Skin & Hair. Just picked this info up from the Red Mint Sl group and also their blog. Get ready your shopping carts! Red Mint shop location:

LycanLady Magic - Ying and Yang Stripes

Today's outfit features one of SisterHood designs, LycanLady magic; she is a total sweet heart <3 While celebrating the sim wide CCS DXP event, I managed to find the time away to try out her new outfit, the black and white and the pink and black stripes, which I will show you below. The first time when I saw this outfit, I went OMG these are really lovely and sexy amongst the others which looks really normal, I love how the opening part in the middle.  I do own a few black and white outfits being a major fan of stripes for a long time because it plays a very casual look and at the same time it accentuate your figure. I also own a black and white stripe dress in RL. This picture was taken at Vampire Highlander in a private home. Visit her shop here;  LycanLady Magic SL Marketplace I am wearing; Hair: Truth Hair - Claudia (light blondes) Note: This hair gives you a very Gwen Stefani feel TRUTH-HAIR-Claudia-light-blondes Makeup: Kiss Me to Death by DAMNE...